Thursday, December 18, 2014

Rest, Refuel, and Come Back Revived!

As the semester comes to a close, we are bombarded with finals, finals, finals. But don't stress ... we're in the homestretch! 

After the close of the semester, comes the holidays. Who's ready? There is a lot of preparation that goes into planning for the holidays, one being gift giving. As much as we all desire to provide our loved ones with beautiful, extravagant gifts - we sometimes cannot afford to do so; this is when having a student status is tough!

What are some things we can do to maximize our budget and splurge on those great gifts?

Perhaps the most challenging but most rewarding and secure option is getting a job! Now, you may panic at that thought alone but don't fret - at the Center for Career Development, we are here to help! 

This winter break should be a time of rest, rejuvenation, and reflection. Hopefully, it will be this way for all of you! When you get back to school, however, it is time to jump in and seize the opportunities ahead! What might these opportunities be, you ask?

  • For starters, look into potential internships. At the Center for Career Development, we offer a paid summer internship experience in the non-profit sector called the Community Fellows Program. The application is now open and closes on March 2, 2015. Application instructions can be found on our website:

  • Lastly, reboot and connect! Clean up your resume, update your LinkedIn profile, and professionalize (or at least make private) your social media accounts.

From the Center for Career Development to you, Happy Holidays! We truly wish you all a wonderful holiday filled with peace, love, and cheer. And remember, rest up because next semester is the time to get involved! 

Monday, November 10, 2014


Well ladies and gentlemen, it's that time of year again - Thanksgiving is right around the corner. Yahoo! Just have to push through the last of midterms and wrap up those straggling assignments, and then you're free to head home and devour that turkey dinner you've been dreaming about (or tofurkey dinner, for my vegetarian friends out there). 

So, what makes YOU thankful? Family, friends, significant others? What about the fact that you're pursuing higher education by attending college? Or, that you have a warm meal on the table? Think about this for a second .. really think. What are you thankful for? Everyone asks it, and most people respond with a reflexive answer, which is probably true, but take some time and look inward to discover the answers. They will most likely be humbling.

Thanksgiving is a time for spreading love, peace, and gratitude. Expressing these things during the holiday season not only makes a difference to those around you but is also personally rewarding. I urge you to proceed with caution: being grateful and expressing thankfulness may instantaneously cause feelings of warmth and happiness. So get out there, show some love, and enjoy your holiday!

Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Professional Goal Setting: What You Need To Know

As we move into the latter part of the semester, we must begin planning for the next. Selecting courses, signing up for extracurricular activities, and rearranging work schedules, are all a part of the process. While transitions can be overwhelming, it is best to be prepared for them by keeping in mind the bigger picture. This "bigger picture" is defined by the goals we set and the actions we take to move forward in our personal and professional developments.


Why Set Goals? 

Setting goals keeps you motivated and inspires you to think long-term and prioritize accordingly. This is especially useful in the job-search process. If you can project into the future your ideal work situation, you can take the appropriate steps to move forward in pursuing your career endeavors. 

By organizing time and resources, you can maximize your experiences. Setting clearly defined goals can help you focus on the task at hand, bringing you closer to achieving your goals. 

Where to Start ...


1. Establish your needs and values 

  • Needs: things you personally need to be your best self 
  • Values: activities, preferences, and behaviors that you naturally gravitate toward and hold in high esteem
    • Once you differentiate between the two, you can identify how they work together in helping you pursue your goals  

2. Decide what you want: Identify your short-term and long-term professional goals

  • First, establish your long-term career goals and then determine the short-term activities that will help you reach them
  • Once this is done, WRITE THEM DOWN! Writing down goals is a critical piece in constructing and executing your career plan

3. Follow Your Plan

  • Make SMART goals 
    • S - Specific 
      • Who, What, When, Where, Why, and How ?
    • M - Measurable
      • How will you evaluate your success?
    • A - Achievable 
      • Can these lead to an attainable outcome?
    • R - Relevant
      • How do these fit in with your responsibilities?
    • T - Timely
      • Set target dates to guide you
  • Remember, you want your goals to be realistic and achievable!

4. Review and Amend Your Plan

  • Sadly, not all of our goals will be achieved; but don't be discouraged! Like anything, as you set off on your career path, you will face obstacles along the way. Reflect on your current situation and how your goals fit. Amend them as need be and move forward! Don't get stuck harping on the goals that have not been met. Maybe they were not meant to be, and that's okay!

5. Celebrate Your Successes! 

  • As you move forward on your career path, surround yourself with loving and supportive people. Not everyone will understand your motivation to succeed or your desired career, but don't allow their thoughts to sway you from pursuing your dream. The ones that do, however, will be key players in helping you stay on track and move forward in your field. As you accomplish smaller goals and continue to reach toward the long-term goals, celebrate your achievements! Reward yourself for your hard work and determination.

Setting goals can be challenging and may seem insignificant, but I can assure you it is instrumental in helping you accomplish your professional and personal aspirations. Some final tips to help you succeed, include:

  • Decide what you want to achieve in your life (and write it down!) 
  • Separate what's important from what's irrelevant (balance is key) 
  • Motivate yourself (by remembering what you have accomplished thus far)
  • Believe in yourself and build your self-confidence (always!) 

So as you plan ahead for your next semester, next year, and next work experience, remember to challenge yourself by setting goals. These goals will keep you on track, and will enable you to go farther than imaginable! 

Don't forget ... 

Stop by the Center for Career Development to learn more about goal setting and pursuing, resume building, internships, and more! We are eager and willing to help you progress in your career development!!

Thursday, October 23, 2014

Things are “falling” into place …

Family Weekend, Halloween, and Midterms, just to name a few, are right around the corner. How are we supposed to keep up academically when all of these events, most of which are exciting, are about to unfold? 

For many of us, leading a busy, active lifestyle is standard. Running from class, to dinner, and to the gym, is the daily routine. But as we head deeper into the semester, we have to make sure to balance our commitments and maintain our mental health. Easier said than done, I know. 

However, with some helpful, grounding tips, this balance can be achieved and will help ease your transition into the rest of the semester. These skills will become especially useful when it comes time to test your time management as you enter the working world.


1. Take care of yourself! 

Being in good physical and emotional health is key to successfully finishing out the semester. Although running on the treadmill or taking a Zumba class may seem daunting and unrealistic – exercise can help alleviate stress and improve focus when it comes time to writing that paper or studying for those midterms. Not a cardio buff? No problem. Try taking a yoga class and sipping on some green tea to detox. Burning calories will also help you sleep better at night. And who doesn’t need more sleep?

2. Prioritize! 

Although “every” assignment and “every” reading is crucial to pursuing your degree, who has the time to get it all done? If you are the person that does … kudos. For the rest of us, we need prioritization skills. I do not mean you should be skimping on assignments, I just mean it is best to get the most pressing work done first, in a timely manner. Looking ahead, employers appreciate applicants who have mastered these skills. It relays the message that you are not only competent in what you do, but that you are able to prioritize tasks efficiently and promptly for the benefit of the company. Once you organize your schedule and your assignments based on relevance and due dates, you can begin to feel relieved and can maybe even get to some of those recommended readings.

3. Be you! 

Find time to spend with loved ones and friends. School work is important, yes, but so is being with those who make you happy. Along with prioritizing, try to organize your schedule in a way that you have a night or two a week to grab dinner with a family member, go for coffee with a friend, or get dolled up and hit the town with some of your best buds. However you socialize, just do it. Also, don’t lose sight of your favorite hobbies. Whether you are into painting, reading, playing Frisbee, or ballroom dancing, keep at it. Those recreational activities will help keep you sane and happy. I promise. 

4. Think positive! 

You’ve gotten this far, you can do it! All of those hours spent at the library, dreadful group projects, and almost-car-accidents you’ve had in the parking lot, have brought you to where you are today, which is in college working towards your degree. In the grand scheme of things, it could be worse. Be grateful you are here and realize attending college is an incredible opportunity that not all have. That being said, no matter how difficult and unpredictable the journey, there is a light at the end of the tunnel and it is closer than you think. Think positive, be grateful, and enjoy the journey! 

Life is about balance. Juggling school, work, and a social life can be challenging but maintaining balance among these areas can help you find and stay in your happy place. Not to mention, finding equilibrium will also help you produce your best work in a timely and efficient manner, which will prepare you for future career endeavors. Remember, you are in college to learn, grow, and ultimately come out with a degree that will help you land your ideal job. Keep in mind the big picture. That dream job is closer than you think so keep moving forward, believe in yourself, explore every possible opportunity, and don’t forget to smile along the way!

Friday, June 20, 2014

What's in it for the community?

What makes the focus of your particular internship so distinctively unique from others is that emphasis is being placed on the community. Fellow interns, I ask you to look at your community, reflect, and then share on how you are serving your community through this program. Below I have listed a few questions regarding my internship at Girls Inc. of Long Island. Use this as your guide to outlining how you can put your service to the community into action during Community Fellows Program internship.
How does your work impact your community?

Collaborating efforts with the Girls Inc. LI Program Coordinator, we are meeting the specific needs and circumstances of girls between the ages 5 and 18. We are primarily serving girls in low socioeconomic communities in Suffolk County.
What experiences, knowledge or expertise can you offer to benefit the community you are serving?

Being that I am currently studying to become a teacher in Childhood Education, I found that developing program curriculum, such as Community Development for girls at Wyandanch, was akin to lesson planning for a classroom. I was able to use the transferable skill of brainstorming lesson plan topics for lessons to help contribute useful and engaging ideas for program development themes such as STEAM (an activity that incorporates Science Technology Engineering Art and/or Math). My hope is that these programs will equip girls with the knowledge and inspiration to make a change, starting in their own backyards.
Ask yourself during this internship not "What's in it for me?" but rather "What's in it for the community?" Once you maintain this mindset, you're in great shape to make a change for good this summer.

Don't forget to tag @HIREaPANTHER and use #communityfellows for Instagram and Twitter posts and comments.
You can also nominate yourself and send it via the CFP email for a chance to win Community Fellow of the Week!

Questions, comments, concerns? Email a CFP liaison at

Friday, June 13, 2014

Into the Swing of Things!

Well folks, it's time...time to get into the swing of things! Whether you are just starting your internship or are well into your first, second, maybe even third week, please keep sharing your Community Fellows journey on Adelphi Center for Career Develpment's social media outlets: Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn. Don't forget to use the @HIREaPANTHER for Instagram and Twitter comments, using the #communityfellows.
Here are some talking points that you may want to explore while posting, tweeting, or simply writing up your weekly CFP reflection:

1. How can I give other interns and the professional world a glimpse at what I am currently doing at my nonprofit through a simple photo or a tweet?

2.What are some of my hopes and goals that I would like to see fulfilled during or after my intership?

3.Are there any current events that coincide with an issue my NPO is trying to address? What positive feedback can I provide on this to make others aware?

4. What words of inspiration can I impart on others in moving towards a change that promotes my NPO's cause?

Simply put, let your posts, photos, and tweets do the talking about how your Community Fellows journey is thus far. If things are or aren't going as you have planned, be sure to contact a CFP liason at the Career Center at Let them know where you are and where you want to be; they have valuable support and advice to offer. Whatever life brings, get into the swing of things!

Reminder: You can also nominate yourself and send it via the CFP email for a chance to win Community Fellow of the Week!

Monday, June 9, 2014

First Impressions!

First impressions often speak volumes to a person's character as well as what type of worker they are. For us CFP interns, it can be nerve-wracking to even think of giving off a bad impression to our employers. Thus, we remain steadfast in showing them our best work ethic and professional behavior. Yet on the other hand, we are also forming our own first impressions of our nonprofit organizations. It is these initial impressions that I encourage you all to share amongst each other using the Center for Career Development's various social media sites. Haven't started yet? No sweat! You can get connected today!

Be sure to like the Adelphi Center for Career Development's Facebook page and feel free to post any positive comments you have regarding your internship journey. Keep your posts relevant to your CFP experience so that others are encouraged to share their internship experiences as well!

I personally created my own twitter account so that I could be further connected with my NPO, Girls Inc. of Long Island. Compose tweets using the #communityfellows and follow tweets@HIREaPANTHER to stay in the loop with whatever is trending that is pertinent to your CFP internship. (**Tip: this is also a great way to network for and promote your NPO to various groups and individuals)!

Make use of this social media portal by posting your "on-the-job" photos, using the@HIREaPANTHER handle. Again, keep these picture appropriate and professional, but you can certainly have fun with posting them!  

Last, but certainly not least, update your LinkedIN profile. Keeping your profile abreast with new job descriptions and current place of employment demonstrates that you are maintaing an active presence in the professional social media sphere.
Never underestimate the importance of first impressions and how we can leverage social media's accessibility to our advantage. Let us fully live up to our title as Community FellowInterns, by supporting each other and sharing our experiences with the world. Go get 'em!

Reminder: You can also nominate yourself and send it via the CFP email for a chance to win Community Fellow of the Week!

Friday, May 30, 2014

Get Pumped!

For all you eager 2014 Community Fellows interns out there, I just have one question for you: are you ready to get pumped?!

Some of you may have already started your internship while others are still anticipating all that is about to unfold. Either way, here are some tips for you to maintain this eager attitude as well as how to share your experiences with other interns so to embolden each other on this CFP journey!

Tip # 1: Keep your long-term goals at the forefront of your mind. Doing this will serve as a reminder of what you came to accomplish during your internship as well as to remain steadfast in the role your non-profit organization wants you to play.

Tip #2: Have an open-mind and be flexible. You'll find that more opportunities to contribute at your NPO arise out of your willingness to try new things. Also, being available to your NPO as much as possible exhibits dedication and passion.

Tip #3: Stay connected! Let's face it, we are all going to reach a dry patch in our internship at some point or another. To prevent ourselves from remaining apathetic, see what your fellow CFP interns are posting by following the Career Center's Facebook, Instagram and Twitter page (@HIREaPANTHER), which I strongly encourage you to join if you haven't yet.
**Remember to share your experiences on Instagram and/or Twitter using the #communityfellows. You can also nominate yourself and send it via the CFP email for a chance to win Community Fellows of the Week!

If you're pumped up about this summer, please don't hesitate to continually share your journey on social media! I'll be sharing my own personal CFP experience at Girls Inc. of Long Island on this blog. Get pumped UP because it's going to be one amazing summer!

Friday, May 9, 2014

I Got My Placement...Now What?

You are a Community Fellows intern and you have received your non-profit organization placement. You have arrived at the precipice of your next collegiate what? Well, I'm here to reassure you that you can prepare yourself in advance so that you are fresh and ready to start on your first day. Use this acronym as your guide:

Contact them. You and your non-profit representative or supervisor will need to keep in contact prior to your internship. Make it a point to meet them in-person or to call them ahead of time so that they can get to know you. If your NPO has not contacted you by the end of this week, ask a CFP Career Counselor about the person you are to be corresponding with ASAP!

Find out. Do your research and find out more about your NPO by visiting their website. What were some programs or events they recently hosted? What were their outcomes? Are there any activities or developments your NPO is working on that you wish to inquire about? Doing this may result in receiving an opportunity to collaborate with your NPO on a project that personally interests you.

Plan ahead. Remember to update your resume (and perhaps even your wardrobe). Do you have sufficient business casual and formal attire for your internship? Plan ahead by revising that resume and going on a shopping trip before your internship. You are not only representing your school, but also your work ethic, both aesthetically and practically.
Once your final exams are over (and what a relief that will be!), review these steps. Allow the time between the end of this semester and your first day as CFP intern to do some soul-searching. How do you really want to make a difference while working with your non-profit? What does this say about your character? Why did you want to become a CFP intern in the first place? Think about it.

Friday, April 18, 2014

What If...I Don't Get My Placement?

It is the dreaded question that every CFP intern asks: "What if...I DON'T get any of my top three placements?!" Now before you hop onto that roller coaster of worry and doubt, take a moment to consider your options. Yes, not getting into one of your top three non-profit organization (NPO) choices for the Community Fellows Program can be disappointing and can leave you saying "What now?" Fear not! Here are some pointers to help keep you motivated and passionate in light of these unexpected circumstances:
You Never Know Until You Try
  • Remember that at the end of the day, you are going to have a rich CFP learning experience. Regardless if you are working with your NPO preference or not, you need to give the NPO you are assigned to a chance to prove itself worthy of your internship experience.
Do Your Homework
  • Some non-profit organizations are more than what they seem. Before you sigh and say “Oh well, I guess I’ll just have to make the most of this,” do some research on your non-profit. Their mission may just expand your horizons on how to explore different career opportunities as well as how to better your community.
Be Eager
  • One thing that can really ruin your overall CFP experience is a poor attitude. Remember to be grateful that you were selected as a well-qualified candidate from a pool of over a hundred applicants- all of whom wanted your position. Be eager to learn, no matter where you are placed. At the end of the day, your CFP experience is what you make it out to be.
    So what if you don’t get your preferred placement? Odds are you’re going to be surprised at how things work out for a greater purpose. What will yours be?

    Friday, April 4, 2014

    Be Prepared

    You cannot control everything that takes place for the Community Fellows Program or whatever position for which you are applying. However, take charge of the things that you do have control over, such as your attire. Here is some advice on how to be prepared for the CFP Orientation Meeting, on April 10, 2014:

    Tip #1: Dress like a professional, not a student. What does this mean? It means that when an employer looks at you, they should be able to identify you as a person who is serious about the position and conscientious about their appearance. 

    Tip #2: What is business attire? Leave behind your jeans, sneakers, T-shirts, gaudy accessories (i.e. blatantly branded handbags, sunglasses, hoop earrings, rings, etc.) and anything else considered "casual attire." Dress to impress: modestly yet tastefully, as you would for a professional interview. Ladies: no heavy make-up or platform heels, and wear pantyhose if necessary. Gentlemen: no white socks, and remember your dress shirt (preferably a suit), dress shoes, belt, and tie.    

    Tip #3: Be punctual!  Not only does this reflect poorly on your time management skills (even if you do have a legitimate reason for being late), but it can also affect your confidence and composure. Be early so that you can mentally prepare for whatever comes next.

    Note: International Students
    Be sure that you are qualified and have submitted your Curricular Practical Training (CPT) form and documents to the International Student Services Office. Failure to do so will result in not being able to participate in the Community Fellows Program. Here is a link to access the CPT form: 

    Remember that you are an upcoming professional and that you need to prove this to every employer you come to encounter. Be prepared so that you can do your best!

    Friday, March 28, 2014

    What If...?

    If you've been playing the Community Fellows Program Waiting Game for a while now, let's face it, you're probably asking yourself a lot of "what ifs." Well I can tell you from experience that too many “what ifs” will not only cause you to doubt yourself and whittle away your self-confidence, but it may even impede you from staying positive and seeking out other employment opportunities. Be anxious about the outcome of a job after you've applied is normal. However, here are some tips on how to be actively optimistic:
    •  Regardless of the outcome, remind yourself that it was good practice for you to exercise time management and preparing your resume and application to meet the deadline.
    • Keep an open mind. Although you may not want to look into other summer job opportunities because you are hoping to be accepted into the CFP, don't let that keep you from continuing your search.
    • Consider attending the Job & Internship Expo, which is Wednesday, April 13, 2014 at 12 p.m. to 3 p.m. in the University Center on the 2nd Floor. The more you network and apply yourself, the greater your chances are of receiving a position. Visit to see which employers will be attending (be sure to have your resume reviewed beforehand!).
    • Check PantherZone on your eCampus account frequently to keep current on new job and internship postings you could apply to.
    Take a deep breath. Rather than always asking “What if I didn't get the position?” or “What if I’m not good enough?” start asking, “What if I challenge myself to stay positive andproactive?” That is a challenge, I believe all of us, should not shy away from meeting.

    Wednesday, March 12, 2014

    The Waiting Game

    You've finally applied to the Community Fellows Programs after days, weeks, maybe even months of preparation. The application deadline has passed and you ask yourself
    "Now what?" Welcome to the Waiting Game. Did you know that you can be an active waiter? You heard right, an active waiter- a person who waits on the outcome of one project while continuing to research and seek out additional projects as preparation for whatever may come next.

    Even though applying to the CFP is good start to your job and internship search, don't let it stop there! Here are some additional steps you should take:
    • Consider attending the Job & Internship Expo being held from 12-3pm on the second floor of the UC, Wednesday, April 23, 2014.
    • Research non-profit organizations that may be participating in the Community Fellows Program that you would like to learn more about if you had the opportunity to intern for them.         Have a LinkedIn profile? If not, create an online professional presence at and start connecting with peers and employers. If you do have a profile, make sure it is updated with current information about your academic credentials and employment history.
    • Lastly, keep current on job openings listed on PantherZone, which you can access via your eCampus account. Make sure your resume is updated and have cover letters and references available upon request.  
    Ever hear the phrase, "patience is a virtue"? This is easier said than done for most of us as we struggle to keep up in our fast-paced lives of to-do lists and deadlines. But being patient does not always translate as sitting around waiting for the next opportunity to come by. Being proactive in your job/internship search is when you actively wait on some opportunities while looking into others. This is how you play the Waiting Game.

    Friday, February 28, 2014

    Learn to Be A Kid

    Is it your dream to work with children in a fun and stimulating environment? You just may be able to discover and explore the world with curious kiddos at the Long Island Children’s Museum(LICM) as a CFP intern once you apply to the program. This is experiential learning at its finest, because LICM is a place that facilitates hands-on educational activities for children of all ages. You can help improve their experience by stepping aboard the CFP team. Apply now. Begin your adventure here:

    Thursday, February 27, 2014

    WFLI: Women on the Move

    Have you ever wanted to support the cause of gender equality and activism in education, but never knew where to start? Well say no more because the Women’s Fund of Long Island (WFLI) is the NPO you could be working with, once you have submitted your CFP application. The CFP of the Year 2013, Stephanie Lerner, is now a junior board member with WFLI after interning with them and can attest to their mission of “To ignite networks that transform the lives of women and girls on Long Island through grant-making, leadership development, education and philanthropy.” Want to make a difference? Start here:

    Women's Fund of Long Island

    Wednesday, February 26, 2014

    Want More of North Shore?

    That’s right, North Shore-LIJ is yet another participating NPO who you can potentially intern for when you apply to the Community Fellows Program. Take it from Kathryn Graves, a former CFP Administrative intern with North Shore. She learned the core values of the health system ranging from patient care to HR processing and last but not least, “Workforce Readiness.” If you would like to learn more about this prestigious healthcare network and how it operates then apply now! Read the rest of Kathryn’s CFP experience at: For more info about North Shore-LIJ, click here.

    Tuesday, February 25, 2014

    Join Catholic Charities in the Regina Residency

    Are you a psychology or social work major looking for the chance to put your skills to the test? Consider applying as a Community Fellows intern for the Catholic Charities Diocese of Rockville Center Regina Residency. The Regina Residence provides hosing for pregnant or parenting young mothers between the ages 11 and 24. Working here will allow you to help prepare these young women for the challenges of parenting as well as how to live independently. Even if you are not a social work or psychology major, you can still take advantage of this invaluable learning experience. 

    Monday, February 24, 2014

    Make-A-Wish Come True

    As we countdown the days before the deadline, here is yet another reason you should apply to CFP. The Make-A-Wish Foundation will be one of the partnering NPOs this year. Make-A-Wish is devoted to granting wishes made by children diagnosed with life-threatening health conditions. You can be working alongside the teams involved in making these children’s dreams a reality. A great wish experience can be a positive turning point for a child’s health. If you want a piece of this action, then do not delay. Apply today! See for more details.

    Wednesday, February 19, 2014

    What's Holding You Back?

    Opportunities are passed up every day. The decisions you make, and the time frame in which you make them in the professional world, make all the difference between "hired" and "not hired." Whatever it is that is holding you back, shake yourself free of it and move forward. Be proactive. The Community Fellows Program may be one of those enriching opportunities that you are dismissing for various reasons, many of which can be readily addressed and remedied. If it is within your control to change this situation before it passes you by, then let's get to the bottom of what's holding you back.

    Speed bump #1: Procrastination
    This epidemic has been around since the dawn of time. If the deadline for the CFP application clearly states Saturday, March 1, 2014 at 11:59 p.m. why wait until March 1, 2014 at 11:58 p.m. to apply? If you can dedicate an afternoon or an evening to finalizing your essay and submitting your application well before the due date, then go for it! Don't let procrastination hold you back.

    Speed bump #2: Your Resume
    If you're saying to yourself "I have no idea when or how I'm going to prepare my resume," then you came to the right place. Many times we let the notion of preparing and updating our resumes intimidate us which in turn undermines us from seeking out a career counselor who can help draw out our credentials and relevant experiences on paper. Stop by the Center for Career Development today to schedule an appointment or send your resume via email to to craft thebest professional representation of yourself.

    Speed bump #3: I'm not enrolled in the Internship Preparation Seminar
    Several students have misread this recommended course as an automatic disqualification if they are not enrolled in it, yet have considered applying to the CFP. Don't let this discourage or even prevent you from applying! At the end of the day, you need to make the claim through your punctual and polished resume, essay, and overall application that you are more than qualified to become a CFP intern.

    So what's holding you back? Take advantage of this opportunitynow. You will be glad you did.