Thursday, October 23, 2014

Things are “falling” into place …

Family Weekend, Halloween, and Midterms, just to name a few, are right around the corner. How are we supposed to keep up academically when all of these events, most of which are exciting, are about to unfold? 

For many of us, leading a busy, active lifestyle is standard. Running from class, to dinner, and to the gym, is the daily routine. But as we head deeper into the semester, we have to make sure to balance our commitments and maintain our mental health. Easier said than done, I know. 

However, with some helpful, grounding tips, this balance can be achieved and will help ease your transition into the rest of the semester. These skills will become especially useful when it comes time to test your time management as you enter the working world.


1. Take care of yourself! 

Being in good physical and emotional health is key to successfully finishing out the semester. Although running on the treadmill or taking a Zumba class may seem daunting and unrealistic – exercise can help alleviate stress and improve focus when it comes time to writing that paper or studying for those midterms. Not a cardio buff? No problem. Try taking a yoga class and sipping on some green tea to detox. Burning calories will also help you sleep better at night. And who doesn’t need more sleep?

2. Prioritize! 

Although “every” assignment and “every” reading is crucial to pursuing your degree, who has the time to get it all done? If you are the person that does … kudos. For the rest of us, we need prioritization skills. I do not mean you should be skimping on assignments, I just mean it is best to get the most pressing work done first, in a timely manner. Looking ahead, employers appreciate applicants who have mastered these skills. It relays the message that you are not only competent in what you do, but that you are able to prioritize tasks efficiently and promptly for the benefit of the company. Once you organize your schedule and your assignments based on relevance and due dates, you can begin to feel relieved and can maybe even get to some of those recommended readings.

3. Be you! 

Find time to spend with loved ones and friends. School work is important, yes, but so is being with those who make you happy. Along with prioritizing, try to organize your schedule in a way that you have a night or two a week to grab dinner with a family member, go for coffee with a friend, or get dolled up and hit the town with some of your best buds. However you socialize, just do it. Also, don’t lose sight of your favorite hobbies. Whether you are into painting, reading, playing Frisbee, or ballroom dancing, keep at it. Those recreational activities will help keep you sane and happy. I promise. 

4. Think positive! 

You’ve gotten this far, you can do it! All of those hours spent at the library, dreadful group projects, and almost-car-accidents you’ve had in the parking lot, have brought you to where you are today, which is in college working towards your degree. In the grand scheme of things, it could be worse. Be grateful you are here and realize attending college is an incredible opportunity that not all have. That being said, no matter how difficult and unpredictable the journey, there is a light at the end of the tunnel and it is closer than you think. Think positive, be grateful, and enjoy the journey! 

Life is about balance. Juggling school, work, and a social life can be challenging but maintaining balance among these areas can help you find and stay in your happy place. Not to mention, finding equilibrium will also help you produce your best work in a timely and efficient manner, which will prepare you for future career endeavors. Remember, you are in college to learn, grow, and ultimately come out with a degree that will help you land your ideal job. Keep in mind the big picture. That dream job is closer than you think so keep moving forward, believe in yourself, explore every possible opportunity, and don’t forget to smile along the way!

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