Monday, November 10, 2014


Well ladies and gentlemen, it's that time of year again - Thanksgiving is right around the corner. Yahoo! Just have to push through the last of midterms and wrap up those straggling assignments, and then you're free to head home and devour that turkey dinner you've been dreaming about (or tofurkey dinner, for my vegetarian friends out there). 

So, what makes YOU thankful? Family, friends, significant others? What about the fact that you're pursuing higher education by attending college? Or, that you have a warm meal on the table? Think about this for a second .. really think. What are you thankful for? Everyone asks it, and most people respond with a reflexive answer, which is probably true, but take some time and look inward to discover the answers. They will most likely be humbling.

Thanksgiving is a time for spreading love, peace, and gratitude. Expressing these things during the holiday season not only makes a difference to those around you but is also personally rewarding. I urge you to proceed with caution: being grateful and expressing thankfulness may instantaneously cause feelings of warmth and happiness. So get out there, show some love, and enjoy your holiday!

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